Wednesday, June 28, 2006

First Roundhouse Roundup

The very first Roundhouse Roundup is now up! Yeah! The URL for the carnival is:

Please help publicize the carnival by posting a link on your blog to the carnival. Also, make sure to visit the other posters in the carnival and leave comments. It's a great way to make new friends and learn new stuff!
Thank you to all who participated in this first RR! I think it looks great--and all due to you. Please think about participating in next month's RR, too.
Thanks to Karen the Roundhouse Roundup Stationmaster for starting this Carnival

Roundhouse Roundup

Love trains? Love someone who loves trains? Boys, girls, young men, and old. There's just something captivating and innocently joyful about trains--and especially so about model trains.

Come celebrate that innocent joy with the Roundhouse Roundup, a blog carnival for model train engineers of every kind--from Thomas and his wooden railroad to all the scales of not-toy railroads up to and including ride-on trains. All are invited to climb aboard! You may not come away from the Roundhouse looking like this, but then again, you may get inspired!

The deadline for submitting posts to the Roundhouse Roundup is Midnight Monday. The Roundhouse Roundup will appear in this space Wednesday morning, the 28th. If you miss the deadline, never fear! The Second Roundhouse Roundup will be hosted here at the end of July (more information to come). Submit easily using either the Blog Carnival submission form here or the Conservative Cat Carnival Submit Form here. Other information can be found here. Even if you don't submit this time, please help publicize the Roundup--and consider submitting next time! Thank you!

Out of pocket for MONTHS!?

Yes I have been away for a while.
It was the end of the hurricane season last time and now its the beginning of the 2006 hurricane season. Yes my time has been consumed to where I have not blogged.
I have been recovering from the same thing that Southern Pacific did for a decade. Deferred maintainance. Cars, house, and finances all got deferred because of a job search. Now the job search paid off and I am settling in. Now back to the work.
The railroad is in dire need of attention. The track needs work. The Signals need work and I need to get into a mode of cleaning repairing and overhauls of equipment.
But first the Property manager wants the bathtub replaced so guess what gets done first!